Message to the Lost Ones: RIP Bottlenose 12/16/12

After four days of torture,
the world is looking on in dread,
as the blood stains the water
and The Cove becomes red

You looked on in agony,
letting out panicked screams,
as you watched your family
disappear like a bad dream

As the day came to an end,
and all light began to fade,
the past and future you did apprehend,
as you lay in The Cove afraid

As a new day came,
the clouds failed to go away
and there was nothing but rain,
as things continued to go astray

Mothers looked on, helpless,
as more children were taken
by the greed of the heartless,
who never seem to waken

The day slowly dragged on,
as the insatiable men could not stop;
Their forever-lasting hunger never gone,
while harvesting the crop

As the boats left for another night,
you all were still trapped,
screaming in fright,
after again being sacked

A new day began,
but there was no sun,
only rain again,
the day was not won

You lay in agony,
the recent nightmares
playing in your minds rapidly,
causing deep despair

You called out for help,
but no one heard
so much as a yelp,
not one single word

As the day darkened once more,
The horrifying images kept playing
over and over again as the rain poured,
while you awaited the horrible slaying

Sure enough, as the horror continued,
the boats came again,
signaling the slaughter ensued,
as more children were taken then

As you watched the last of your family
disappear over the horizon,
more screams erupted in the agony,
knowing that the day would never brighten

The Cove now becomes stained
from the blood of the innocent,
spilled by the men with no shame,
as the world was left dissonant

After all you’ve gone through,
and all of the pain you’ve felt,
it may seem hard to continue
into the next life with this welt

May you know that even after
all that has taken place,
your souls still live on,
shining like a star in space

I wish all those who lost
their physical bodies tonight,
to not let this chaos
darken the light

I wish all those enslaved
to remember who they are,
and hear the sound of Ocean’s waves,
that will lead them out of the dark

May all of those hurt
know that the world ignites
to bring you out of the dirt
and into the light

May those filled with sorrow
know that the sun will rise
on a new day tomorrow,
as the world is apprised

This day will come
sooner than you think,
as we march to a different drum,
in a blink

With the light of the new moon,
the shades of the sea take on a new hue,
as the world comes out of its cocoon,
leaving the ocean FOREVER BLUE!!!

Swim free ❤
~Rising Sun

Message to the Lost Ones: R.I.P. Rissos 12/8/12

As the day is now gone,
and the final bell has rung,
it seems impossible to reach dawn
without the slightest glimpse of the sun

The Cove is once again
filled with innocent blood,
all because of dark-hearted men
who have never understood

It seems as if hope has left us
without a gentle kiss,
or even a warm caress,
leading us down into the abyss

We are left in tears,
as the reality of the horrible nightmares
and our greatest fears
are too much to bear

But as the day turns to night,
the haze subsides,
and the horror is brought to light,
with the changing of the tides.

Even as your souls are stripped
from the bodies they once called home,
the scale has tipped,
and in Ocean you still roam

Know that you are now one
with the great Ocean,
reminding all what needs to be done
to set the remedy of love in motion

The one thing the dark-hearts
will never understand
is that love never departs,
no matter how dark it is at hand

Those who can see the truth
will know that in the end,
only love can see us through
this horrible dead-end

Hope for the hopeless,
and light for the blind,
only love can save us;
this must be kept in mind

Think of it always:

it is always love that prevails,
so get ready for the ride,
and raise those sails,
as we change the tide

As the rain comes down,
washing away the tragedy of today,
know that what comes around comes around,
and the day will soon be saved

I know this day will come soon:
As the shades of the sea take on a new hue,
the world comes out of its cocoon,
leaving the ocean FOREVER BLUE!!!

Swim free ❤
~ Rising Sun

Forever Blue <3


The ocean rests calm
and sings its wonderful song
all day long
as the waves roll merrily along

The color of blue washes away
all of the things gone astray
as the dolphins joyfully play
and Ocean dances a beautiful ballet

This is how it should forever remain,

as love and peace forever reigns,
unshackling the chains
and melting away the pain 

Let us all dream of this wonderful hue,
and let this dream come true,
as the world starts anew,
forever imbued in BLUE!!!

Swim free ❤
~Rising Sun

Message To The Lost Ones: R.I.P Rissos 11/7/12

After a night of endless torture,
and nightmares tearing through your mind,
The Cove runs red in our horror,
as the innocent are killed by the blind

For too long has this happened;
the Stone People have plagued the world
as the ways of love are forgotten,
causing us to be trapped in an evil whirl

They see only with their eyes,
and think they can own everything,
despite the sad cries
that sound upon the beating

They think that they can take
without giving back to the world,
and leave a ravaged Earth in their wake,
claiming every pearl

But what they fail to see
is that they can never own
that which comes from the sea,
no matter the way the wind is blown

And so as your souls depart
the pearls claimed by the Stone People,
know that they can never take your heart,
which will always be as free as an eagle

As your souls return to Ocean,
know that you will live on,
flying high on emotions
with the light of the new dawn

So farewell my friends,
I will see you all tomorrow,
as a new day begins,
free of sorrow

R.I.P Risso’s Dolphins

Yesterday, a pod of Risso’s dolphins were taken into The Cove and slaughtered by the Stone People. After twenty days in a row without this atrocity taking place, today was a heartbreaking loss to both Ocean and those standing up for its blue waters and creations. However, we must not let ourselves become sullen and full of hate. It is good to have a fire burning inside of you, but it is bad to have hate contaminate that fire. We MUST stop the slaughter as soon as possible, but we MUST remain kind and loving. Dropping down to the same level as the murderers and taking them out by force is not the right way to end this. Whatever temporary good violence may seem to obtain will result in a permanent evil that plagues the whole world forever.

So with that in mind, I would like to turn the tides and send the following words out to the souls that no longer are present in this lifetime:

One day, you all were born in the great waters of Ocean. You lived your lives to the fullest and there was a bounty of happiness and peace to go around. This Golden Time continued throughout your whole lives, until the Stone People interfered. Concerned only for themselves, they cared about something only if it made them happy. They have lost their balance and oneness with Ocean, and that has led them down the path of injustice. From the moment private property came into form, humans would begin their global suppression and oppression of the world.  Now in the time of the present, that has led to the slaughter of your clan along with countless others before you. But you must remember that the Stone People can keep you locked up for life and take your dead body, but they will never obtain your spirit. They cannot take away what is underneath. You will all remain a part of Ocean and will continue to keep its heart beating with life – even as the Stone People are spreading throughout the body and trying to cause cardiac arrest. That is something that the Stone People cannot comprehend at their stage of ignorance…

And with that I do send the following lines to those lost last night:

Moon shining on Ocean
May the moon shine brightly,
as the oceans shimmer under its light
creating a silver path shining nightly
giving no reason for fright

May the stars remind the Wild Ones
that no matter how bad the beat of the drum
or which the way the wind has them spun
to always remember where they came from

For the Wild Ones 
always stay wild
as the moon always wanes
for upon them Gaia has smiled

May the shimmering ocean
remind the Stone People
that we are one,
no matter how high the steeple

What they fail to realize 
is that we all come from the sea
They think freedom can be monopolized
but they are unable to see

Freedom is something you are born with,
leaving you a choice to keep it as you age
Taking it away from someone is a myth
no matter how dark the cage

For in the mind, you are always free
unless you let illusions cloud your mind
this you will always be
no matter where you are confined

Though many are cut down,
there is still a tree

Though it is dark all around,
the moon still lights the sea

With the birth of tomorrow,
you will find
that there is no need for sorrow
when the stars are aligned

They sing a new song to us,
one that is about the glory
That Ocean does possess
in every story

This story now becomes
a living reality
as we all bask in the light of the sun
so gallantly 

So farewell my friends,
someday we will meet again
when we all transcend
the boundaries of our terrain

Ocean: Utopia for Eons (The Saga of Ocean: Part 1)

There once was a place where everyone lived in harmony. Dancing in the effervescent waves of Ocean, predator and prey swam side by side. All energy borrowed by the hunters was given back to the hunted in the form of new life. The predators only borrowed enough energy to sustain them, and the prey gave only the energy the predators needed.

Ocean thrived in this balance, as the Circle of Life kept its waters full of majestic creations that continued to evolve. The hunters and the hunted respected one another, and lived their lives to the fullest. One with Ocean, the smallest of fish aided the most fearsome creatures of the deep to keep the seas booming with life. The predators that had borrowed energy from Ocean’s glorious creations returned that energy back as their spirits truly became one with the sea.

And so for eons, Ocean remained a glorious realm of beauty and peace. Life basked in the light of the sun, which warmly embraced Ocean, lighting up the darkest of depths with its brilliant shine. Not a single molecule of the azure waters was left untouched by the magnanimous sun, as it gave life the energy and light it needed to thrive.

Ocean and Sun continued to dance to the same song for what seemed like an eternity, until life gave Land the gift of its presence. Then, a new story began. One that would not be about midnight, moon, and sun.

To be continued…

Rise of the Moon: Hope for the Hopeless, Light for the Blind

As the moon shines tonight,
its phosphorescent glow
guides us through the night,
illuminating the ocean below

With the moon’s rise,
the luminescent beams
enlighten the skies,
ending their screams

With the moon’s light,
the blind are able to see
in the pitch black of night
what the world is supposed to be

Hear the call of the moon,
and dance to its song
As the ocean has done
for so long

The Great Circle (The Circle of Life)

The Great Circle

We are all but a part of one great ocean, forever swimming in its azure waters. The moon pulls the tides as the waves crawl up the shore. As they return back into the sea, the sand is washed away as they become one with Ocean. They circle and swarm around in the currents, enriching the azure waters.

Life basks in the nutrient-rich waters effervescently, living in harmony with the great entity in which it resides. The different shapes of life all swim together, forever connected to each other. As time passes, Ocean calls them and they return back to the deep blue, becoming one with the sea. They then live on in new forms of life, sustaining the rhythmic beat of Ocean.

As the evolution of life kicks into gear, its presence is brought to a new world. The sun lights the way with every passing step into the future, giving life energy and sustenance. Once the time comes, the next generation  becomes a part of Land, their remains imprinted in the sand as the energy is given back to the next generation of life.

The remains, one with Land, are kept intact for millennia, until Ocean calls once again. As the next moon rises along with the tides, the remains erode and return once again to the sea. And so the cycle repeats, keeping the Rhythm of Life dancing to the Song of the Universe.

So remember that no matter how different two shapes of life may be, we will all return to the sea ❤