R.I.P Risso’s Dolphins

Yesterday, a pod of Risso’s dolphins were taken into The Cove and slaughtered by the Stone People. After twenty days in a row without this atrocity taking place, today was a heartbreaking loss to both Ocean and those standing up for its blue waters and creations. However, we must not let ourselves become sullen and full of hate. It is good to have a fire burning inside of you, but it is bad to have hate contaminate that fire. We MUST stop the slaughter as soon as possible, but we MUST remain kind and loving. Dropping down to the same level as the murderers and taking them out by force is not the right way to end this. Whatever temporary good violence may seem to obtain will result in a permanent evil that plagues the whole world forever.

So with that in mind, I would like to turn the tides and send the following words out to the souls that no longer are present in this lifetime:

One day, you all were born in the great waters of Ocean. You lived your lives to the fullest and there was a bounty of happiness and peace to go around. This Golden Time continued throughout your whole lives, until the Stone People interfered. Concerned only for themselves, they cared about something only if it made them happy. They have lost their balance and oneness with Ocean, and that has led them down the path of injustice. From the moment private property came into form, humans would begin their global suppression and oppression of the world.  Now in the time of the present, that has led to the slaughter of your clan along with countless others before you. But you must remember that the Stone People can keep you locked up for life and take your dead body, but they will never obtain your spirit. They cannot take away what is underneath. You will all remain a part of Ocean and will continue to keep its heart beating with life – even as the Stone People are spreading throughout the body and trying to cause cardiac arrest. That is something that the Stone People cannot comprehend at their stage of ignorance…

And with that I do send the following lines to those lost last night:

Moon shining on Ocean
May the moon shine brightly,
as the oceans shimmer under its light
creating a silver path shining nightly
giving no reason for fright

May the stars remind the Wild Ones
that no matter how bad the beat of the drum
or which the way the wind has them spun
to always remember where they came from

For the Wild Ones 
always stay wild
as the moon always wanes
for upon them Gaia has smiled

May the shimmering ocean
remind the Stone People
that we are one,
no matter how high the steeple

What they fail to realize 
is that we all come from the sea
They think freedom can be monopolized
but they are unable to see

Freedom is something you are born with,
leaving you a choice to keep it as you age
Taking it away from someone is a myth
no matter how dark the cage

For in the mind, you are always free
unless you let illusions cloud your mind
this you will always be
no matter where you are confined

Though many are cut down,
there is still a tree

Though it is dark all around,
the moon still lights the sea

With the birth of tomorrow,
you will find
that there is no need for sorrow
when the stars are aligned

They sing a new song to us,
one that is about the glory
That Ocean does possess
in every story

This story now becomes
a living reality
as we all bask in the light of the sun
so gallantly 

So farewell my friends,
someday we will meet again
when we all transcend
the boundaries of our terrain